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Member Spotlight - January, 2025

DeeDee Yantz
Oldham County Health Department

Oldham County is a small local health department. Therefore, I serve in many roles within the agency. All financial roles, including payroll, accounts payable, receivables, financial statements, budget preparation and purchasing as well as all Human Resources roles, including job posting, interview process, onboarding, orientation, annual evaluations, compensation review and discipline. I am an advocate for KPH attendance and participation among my LHD staff.

Professional Background
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Degree from University of Louisville 1998

KPHA Involvement
I have been involved in the BARS (Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting System) transition into Workday with DPH. I serve as the lead role for my LHD for implementation and staff training. Of all the various "roles" within Workday, I have been named to every one of them. ☺ I have attended the KPHA conference for the past 10 years. While I have never served on a KPHA committee, my faithful attendance was vital to me for the opportunity to network and learn from my peers across the state. I would be open to serving on a KPHA committee to help ensure this agency continues in support of all Kentucky's LHDs.

Personal Insights
Through the BARS transition, I have made many friends among my LHD peers. The process was a new platform for us all which required learning a tremendous amount of information. One task I choose to perform was to create a detailed step-by-step Payroll Processing guideline (complete with screenshot examples) as many were struggling to know even where to begin. I shared this guideline with other LHDs and have received many thanks of appreciation and have been told it is used on a regular basis. I strive to be a valuable resource for other LHDs and have assisted then often. My motto has become "We're ALL in this together and have to help one another! How can I help you?".

Accomplishments & Recognition

  • Gannett Direct Marketing - Accounting Manager of the Year 1995
  • Henry County Board of Education - Biggest Loser award 2008
  • OCHD - Going the Extra Mile award 2022
  • OCHD - Director's Award of Excellence 2024

Future Goals & Aspirations
I am closer to the end of my accounting career in public health than the beginning. My future goal would include retirement from the work force, but not retirement of community engagement activities. I am very active in my church and volunteer at local non-profit agencies.

Personal Interests & Hobbies
I enjoy reading, scrapbooking and most recently Diamond Artwork. My husband and I are building a 1600 sq ft cabin on 10 wooden acres in Trimble County, where we're hoping to retire in the next few years.

Advice & Tips
KPHA offers excellent opportunities for members to grow, learn and achieve a higher level of understanding of the important work public health agencies do in their communities.

Quotes & Testimonials
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls down and has no one to help him up." Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10.

The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team. - Phill Jackson