The Kentucky Public Health Association is, with the exception of its Executive Director, a completely volunteer organization. It is governed by an elected slate of Officers and Directors working closely with the various Committee Chairs and Section Chairs. The Officers, Directors and Section Chairs comprise the full voting Board of Directors. See the complete listing below of KPHA Officers, Directors & Sections Chairs.
KPHA is always looking for volunteer help to assist with various events and programs. To become a volunteer,
2024-2025 Leadership Team

Danielle King, LP.D., MPH
Frankfort, KY

Meagan Hurst, MPH
Immediate Past President
Louisville, KY

Josh Horton, BS, MS, MBA
Leitchfield, KY

Jessica Austin
Frankfort, KY

Lisa Pollock, BSA, BBA
Elizabethtown, KY

Executive Director
Frankfort, KY
- Tyler Caldwell, MPH
- Laura Foley
- Jim House, MEP
- Dr. Laurie Larkin, Ph.D.
- Stephanie Lokits
- Allison Napier
- Elizabeth Poynter, MPH
- Sara Robeson, MA, MSPH
- Paul Royce
- April Thomas, MPH
- Jonathan Vorbeck, MPH
- Andy Waters, MPH, RS
Committee Chairs
Advocacy Committee
Laura Foley, CAP
Awards & Scholarship Committee
Jennifer Gulley, MPH, BSN, RN
Conference Committee
Brittany Parker
Becki Casey
Communications Committee
Brandi Gilley, MPH, RDN, LD
Elections Committee
Standing Immediate Past President
Meagan Hurst
Finance & Audit Committee
Lisa Pollock, BSA, BBA
Meagan Hurst, MPH
Student Engagement Committee
Janie Cambron, RS, MPH
Tammi Thomas, PhD, MSSW
Workforce Development Committee
Jim House, MEP
Jon Vorbeck, MPH
Job Duties
President: President shall serve as the principal administrative officer of the Association and shall possess broad discretionary and delegatory powers to carry out the business of the Association. Additional duties shall include serving as Chair of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee; presiding at all meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and the membership; and making appointments as required by these bylaws.
President-Elect: The President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President at the close of the current President’s term; act in the capacity of the President at the President’s request or in the absence of the President; and may serve as a non-voting member of all Standing and Special Committees except the Elections Committee.
Secretary: The Secretary shall ensure that the minutes of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, committees, and membership meetings are recorded and retained; assure the preservation, maintenance, accuracy, and accessibility of the Association’s records; and perform other duties assigned by the Board of Directors or President.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall ensure that all funds of the Association are properly accounted for; make reports of all receipts and disbursements of the Association as required by the Board of Directors; assure the preservation, maintenance, accuracy, and accessibility of the monetary records of the Association; serve as the Chair of the Finance Committee; and perform other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors or President.
Immediate Past President: The Immediate Past President shall serve as the Chair of the Elections Committee and may serve as a non-voting member of all other Standing and Special Committees; and shall perform other duties assigned by the Board of Directors or President.
Directors: KPHA Board of Directors are elected by the membership to serve a four-year term of office. Together the elected officers, the Committee Chairs, and the Directors comprise the full voting Board of Directors for KPHA. Please feel free to contact any Director with any comments or suggestions you may have.
Committee Chair: Various individuals volunteer their time to serve KPHA as Committee Chairs based upon various interests. They and their committee are responsible for various functions of the organization relating to their committee charge. They also serve as the main resource person for their area of interest. They would appreciate any comments or suggestions that you may have about their particular area.